
Whole House Water Filter for Treated Town Water Point Of Entry (POE) Package.

Don’t thank me, thank yourself for finally deciding to do it.

A quality system with quality cartridges. **12 months worth of water filtration for your entire household.

This Treated Town water package includes  a Triple 20” Big White housing system with four 0 – 600 kPa pressure gauges for use in telling the pressure differential across the filtration array, ¼” brass ball valve for pressure relief / air bleed,  stainless steel mounting bracket and screws and filter change spanner.

1 x Quality water pressure reducer

Cartridges included:

Stage 1: 1 x  GE 20” x 4.5”, 50 to 5 micron nominal dual gradient spun poly sediment reduction cartridges ( U.S. MFG )

Stage 2: 1 x U.S. manufactured Harmsco brand 20” x 4.5” 1 micron absolute rated Poly-Pleat sediment / cyst reduction.

Stage 3: 1 x Pentek 20” x 4.5” Radial flow chlorine, colour, taste & odour reduction.

Two years warranty on filter housings.

10 Reasons to filter your household mains water supply:

1. If you don’t have a water filter YOU are the water filter.

2. Improve your skin. YOUR skin is the largest organ of the human body. Do yourself a favor and start looking after it.

3. Remove the Colour. This may include dirt from water companies maintaining water supply. Water supply lines burst, end of life, replacement.

4. Remove Sediment. This may include dirt, rust and other impurities in the mains water supply.

5. Improve the Taste of your water. This may include dirt, rust and other impurities in the mains water supply.

6. Remove odour.

7. Reduce chlorine.

8. Improved performance of water drinking appliances. Reduce wear and tear on household appliances such as dishwasher, washing machine, fridges with in line water. Trapping sediment, dirt & particles from entering water pumps.

9. Environmentally Friendly. Reducing your household plastic footprint.

10. Low maintenance.

**Although we aim to provide our valued customers 12 months of filtration this will vary on where your property is located.**